What is Delaware Broadband for Public Safety?
Pursuant to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, Delaware in coordination with FirstNet is expected to provide an interoperable, state-wide, public safety LTE network linking public safety agencies across the state connecting to a National Public Safety Broadband Network (NPSBN). The NPSBN is Internet for first responders. Agencies benefiting from the NPSBN will include law enforcement, emergency management, fire service, public works, public health, emergency medical services, and others.

The State of Delaware’s SIEC Executive Council will provide governance as required by FirstNet/NTIA and ensure that the Delaware public safety community has a voice in the build out and implementation of this new network. The goal is to ensure a superior product through broad participation, achieve balance between and provide appropriate forums for FirstNet issues.
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Quick Reference
- Delaware SIEC
- District of Columbia SIEC
- Maryland SIEC
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania SIEC
- Virginia SIEC
- West Virginia SIEC
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